Download and play the windows build for the best experience.

Gameplay Modifications

  • Added a new teleporting mechanic and animated teleporters to the game.
  • Added the first (introduction) level of the game that goes trough everything the player has to know.
  • Added an easter egg to the first level.

Design Modifications

  • Got rid of the instructions menu. 
  • Added a new settings menu that has an audio slider connected to an audio mixer, an option to change between fullscreen and windowed modes, a resolution settings dropdown and a graphics quality settings dropdown. (Resolution and fullscreen settings don't work properly in the WebGl version.)

Aesthetic Modifications

  • Added music to all levels.
  • Changed the default cursor of the game.

Fixes And Script Modifications

  • Rewrote the "FullHealPickup" script so it inherits from the "Pickup" class. This makes it so that it uses an overwritten Pickup.DoOnPickup method and uses the base.DoOnPickup (Parent DoOnPickup) method instead of directly deleting the gameobject which makes it support playing pick up effects.
  • Created a new "SettingsMenu" script that controls everything new added to the settings menu.
  • Created a new "Teleporter" script for teleporters.
  • Edited the "PlayerController" script so the player can teleport after pressing the "E" key on keyboard or the left button (not DPAD) on a gamepad.

Created By: Onuralp Taras using MSU GEL LAB assets.


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